Thursday, March 12, 2009

South Park and Disney

So did you happen to catch tonight's South Park? Yeah, holy shit, the show's been on for thirteen seasons, and it still has yet to jump the shark. Though it's been a few years since it was at its best - Season 8 was the peak, with the trifecta of brilliance that was "AWESOME-O," "Good Times With Weapons" and "The Passion of the Jew" - the satire was as biting as ever.
This was Matt and Trey's second foray into Disney bashing, the first being last season with an episode mocking High School Musical. As someone who was forced to watch that unholy abortion (best way to describe an awful Disney movie) while working as a camp counselor, I thought that that episode's satire of the film's unmitigated gayness was definitely deserving. Tonight's episode didn't really work for me on a personal level since it was satirizing the Jonas Brothers, a 2000's boy band that I have made sure to avoid at all costs. Still, I understood the point that they were making by pointing out Disney's using buzzwords like "wholesome" and "Christianity" to cover up its blatant selling of sexuality. And a violent, cursing Mickey Mouse is always funny, especially at the end when he grew fifty feet and went on an airborn, fire-breathing rampage through Denver. Ya can't be too hard on Disney, though -- they did give us WALL-E.
One last thing: in South Park's early episodes, the parka-muffled Kenny was constantly being killed in the most grusome ways possible, whether it was being impaled with a flagpole or having his eyes pecked out by killer turkeys. Tonight, he died peacefully after contracting a sexually transmitted disease from receiving a blowjob in a parking lot. I guess this was Matt and Trey's thank you to the 13-season 8-year-olds: for once, they killed Kenny without being bastards about it.